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How User-Friendly is Your Website?
Find Our With Our Free Accessibility Scan

Making your website inclusive isn’t just good practice; it’s the law!

Start by gaining a clear understanding of your site's current accessibility. Conducting an in-depth accessibility audit can feel overwhelming, but our tool makes it simple. With just a few clicks, you'll get valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and take steps towards ensuring your website welcomes everyone.

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What is Accessibility?

Imagine a storefront without a ramp at the entrance—web accessibility is just as essential. When we talk about Web Accessibility, we talk about the practice of designing and developing websites that people with various disabilities can use. This includes individuals with visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive limitations, ensuring all users can interact effectively with content.

Web accessibility fosters digital inclusion, allowing everyone equal access to online information and services regardless of their abilities. Moreover, it is crucial to comply with legal requirements and international standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

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What is the Value of Accessibility?

  • Expanding the potential market by including people with disabilities.
  • Improving SEO, as many accessibility best practices also benefits search engine ranking.
  • Reducing legal risk by complying with accessibility laws and regulations.
  • Enhancing brand reputation by demonstrating a commitment to inclusion and social responsibility.
  • Improving the user experience for everyone can lead to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.




Enhance Your Marketing with Expert Guidance on Your Web Accessibility

If you have questions or want a deeper understanding of Web Accessibility and how it can impact your marketing strategy, our experts are here to assist you.